Paddle Boarding in Cambridge
Paddle Boarding in Cambridge is pretty unbeatable! What better way to see the famous university colleges than from along the river that runs around the back of Kings College and many other of the colleges.

There are also many other beautiful places to paddle along the River Cam just outside of the city such as Granchester and Chesterton. But where can you enter the water and park? We’ll look at some of the best places to launch when you want to paddle board in Cambridge and where you can go when you’ve done that.
The three places to launch that have parking are Lammas Land (the most central to see The Backs), Water Street in Chesterton, and the Old Mill Pond in Granchester. Further afield, you can launch from Waterbeach.
There are other places to enter the River Cam that are close to The Backs, such as around Jesus Green, but it’s difficult to park here for longer periods of time.

Paddle boarding at Milton Park in north Cambridge also shouldn’t be forgotten, but we’ll start by looking at option in South Cambridge..
South Cambridge
South of Cambridge you can launch from Lammas Land car park or further afield at Granchester if you want a longer paddle board to Cambridge.
1. Lammas Land
Lammas Land is one of the best places to enter the water and the nearest if you want to see the The Backs or head upstream through Granchester Meadows towards Byron’s Pool.
It’s just a few pounds to park for several hours at the car park there. There’s plenty of parking (though of course it could be more tricky on a busy summer’s day) and even better you are just a few metres away from entering the water.

You need to first head south on the river where you enter (just a couple of minutes), then when you get to the main part of the River Cam, head either downstream to Cambridge City Centre and the university or upstream towards Granchester.
If heading towards Cambridge University, you’ll have to get out of the water around the Graduate Cambridge building before Silver Street to avoid a weir, but you’ll see clearly where you have to do this.
Then you can head on where you’ll soon be paddling past the university buildings. You can go for a long way up here without having to leave the water.
2. Old Mill Pond, Granchester
If you want a longer paddle board into Cambridge from the south, you could head to Granchester’s Old Mill Pond.
There’s free parking along the road or in a lay by very close to the Granchester Mill Pond where it’s very easy to enter the water. It can get busy though in summer. At this time of year they also open a large car park in a field over the other side of the road from the Mill Pond for a few pounds.

From here you can then paddle board into Cambridge. It would be a couple of hours paddling there and back so if your desire is just to paddle board through Cambridge and the Backs then go to Lammas Land or Chesterton.
North of Cambridge
North of Cambridge you can launch from Water Street in Chesterton or further afield in Waterbeach. You can also paddle board at Milton park.
1. Water Street, Chesterton
Here there are about 10 free car parking spaces right next to the river and there are concrete launch points.
You can then paddle upstream towards Cambridge. There is a lock on the way but it’s an easy portage. It’s then not far to the famous Backs through Cambridge and the colleges. If you want a longer paddle you can then of course go on to Granchester.
If you go downstream you are heading towards Waterbeach. You could paddle board up to the Plough Pub in Fen Ditton where you get food before heading back.
2. Waterbeach, Off Clayhithe Road
If you want an even longer paddle board into Cambridge from a northerly direction, there’s a small free car park just over the bridge near the Bridge Takeaway. It’s just a very short walk from there to the river.

3. Milton Park
Milton Park is just north of Cambridge city. Here they have a small lake with a paddle boarding school that has a variety of courses including beginners, SUP yoga, and a BSUPA accredited course to teach you more advanced skills. You can also make private and group bookings.
Check out more about paddling boarding in Milton Park, Cambridge.
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